Published On: Tue, Mar 25th, 2025

Top 10 US states with the highest risk of alien encounters

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The mere thought of extraterrestrial beings visiting the earth has been an interesting concept for human beings for decades. May it be glowing orbs in the night sky or mysterious aircraft sightings that go beyond human understanding, defying the laws of physics, UFO sightings have led to innumerable debates about the existence of life beyond Earth.

With over two dozen mysterious UFO sightings reported last year, concerns are growing about the possibility of unsettling close encounters. In celebration of National Alien Abduction Day on March 20 in the US, online gambling guide revealed the US states that are most prone to extraterrestrial kidnappings. Topping the list is the most unexpected state, with 36,286 documented sightings since 1974. experts analyzed 149,000 UFO reports collected by the National UFO Reporting Center (1974–2025) and correlated this data with current social media trends. They found a massive total of 182,018 UFO sightings nationwide, meaning a 1 in 1,833 (0.0545%) chance of being abducted by extraterrestrials. To put this straight, these odds are far higher than being struck by lightning or attacked by a shark in the US, here are the top 10 places in the US where most UFOs have been spotted and you are also likely to be abducted here according to

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