Tag archive for ‘luck’
By admin On Wednesday, September 4th, 2024

Rape Victim: Villagers halt cremation of ‘raped’ woman due to fear of bad luck | Bhubaneswar News

Villagers near Sambalpur refused to cremate a woman suspected of being raped and murdered, fearing bad luck. Police and district administration intervened to conduct the cremation in Rairakhol town. More...

By admin On Sunday, May 19th, 2024

Bhubaneswar-Central: 73-year-old tries his luck again from high-profile seat | Bhubaneswar News

Bhubaneswar: After a hectic campaign, 73-year-old Sanatan Behera was taking a nap on a wooden bench at Nayapalli Durga Puja mandap. A few metres away, some labourers were also taking rest during lunch break. More...