Published On: Tue, Mar 25th, 2025

Smart meters for new connections, but all Bescom consumers to foot ‘maintenance’ cost | Bengaluru News

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Smart meters for new connections, but all Bescom consumers to foot ‘maintenance’ cost

Bengaluru: With Bescom installing smart meters for new and temporary connections from March 1, the burden of their technical maintenance cost of Rs 75 per month per meter will be distributed among all consumers of the utility.
The move comes barely days after escoms in the state transferred the burden of pension and gratuity to consumers by way of tariff hikes.
A senior official said Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC) directed Bescom to pass the smart meters’ maintenance cost to all consumers, which may turn out to be 0.01 paisa per bill. “We will explore whether escoms can appeal to KERC to review this decision,” he added.
Bescom managing director N Shiva Shankara said that while other states are replacing meters in bulk, Karnataka is replacing them in phases. “Hence, Bescom has mandated smart meters only for new and temporary connections.” About 3-4% of the total consumer pool will be getting smart meters.
Explaining the smart meters’ cost factor in Bescom limits, another Bescom official said, “A single smart meter costs Rs 4,998. A consumer has to pay for it in full. This may translate into monthly payment of Rs 116 including other expenses like installation cost and software maintenance for 10 years of expected life.”
Further, consumers have to pay Rs 75 per meter per month as technical maintenance charge. “However, Bescom will bear this maintenance cost which will be distributed among all the consumers by ‘socialising’ it in the annual tariff,” he said.
MSID:: 119431671 413 |

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