Published On: Mon, Mar 3rd, 2025

Police constable dies by suicide in Mumbai – The Times of India

Police constable dies by suicide in Mumbai

Mumbai: A police constable died by suicide at his residence in Nagri Nivara, Dindoshi, on Monday. Subhash Kangne, 37, was attached to Kurar police station in Malad East, officials said.
Kangne left behind a suicide note in Marathi. The note said he was upset about an incident related to work. Investigators said they are trying to find out the motive. An accidental death record has been registered by Dindoshi police and further investigations are on.
Kangne is survived by his wife and daughters. On Monday, his wife was away at the family’s hometown when he allegedly hanged himself. One of his close relatives came home and found him hanging. He was later pronounced dead by doctors and the body was sent for a post mortem examination.
Police will be recording statements of his wife and colleagues from the Kurar police station.
Allegations made in the suicide note are also being verified.


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