Odisha Government Introduces Bill for Enhanced Autonomy in University Leadership | Bhubaneswar News
Bhubaneswar: Govt on Monday introduced the Odisha Universities (Amendment) Bill, 2024, in the assembly on Monday, which if passed, will grant more autonomy to the institutes in selection of vice-chancellors and faculty members.
The existing Odisha Universities (Amendment) Act, 2020, states that one of the members in the three-member committee formed for the selection of a VC will be a state govt nominee. Academics had objected to the provision. However, the new Bill proposes that one member will be nominated by the syndicate of the university concerned instead of the govt nominee. The other two members will be nominated by UGC and chancellor of state public universities, respectively. Upper age limit of VCs will also increase from the existing 67 years to 70 years. There is no change in the tenure of the VCs, which will remain at four years.
The 2020 Act said all teachers of a university would be appointed by the VC on the recommendation of Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC). However, the entire appointment process was done by OPSC, and VCs were asked to absorb the selected teachers. The new Bill mandates formation of a selection committee by following UGC guidelines. The committee will be chaired by the VC or his/her nominee.
The selection committee will include an academic not below the rank of professor nominated by the chancellor. It will have three subject experts selected by the VC from a panel of names recommended by the syndicate. Others will include the dean of the faculty or head of the department, along with an academic nominated by the VC. Four members shall constitute a quorum, in which two subject expert members and one academic nominated by the chancellor are a must.
The Bill has been prepared with National Education Policy (NEP)-2020 in mind. “In view of the goals of NEP 2020, the scope and capabilities of the universities have been defined in 59 activities that will enable students to become highly educated and employable,” said higher education minister Suryabanshi Suraj in the Bill’s ‘statement of objects and reasons’.