Published On: Fri, Mar 21st, 2025

Govt issues SOP for colleges, varsities for summer ahead | Bhubaneswar News

Bhubaneswar: To tackle the heat during the approaching summer, higher education department issued a standard operating procedure (SOP) for all higher education institutions across the state. It focuses on rescheduling academic activities and implementing preventive measures to ensure student safety.
According to the newly-released SOP, colleges and universities are directed to conduct classes and examinations preferably during morning hours to minimise students’ exposure to peak temperatures. The department has specifically emphasised restricting outdoor activities during afternoon sessions when heat intensity is at its highest, demonstrating a cautious approach towards student welfare, said special secretary, higher education department, Chitta Ranjan Patra.
The guidelines mandate all higher education institutions to ensure adequate drinking water facilities and maintain a sufficient supply of Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) on their premises. Institution heads were instructed to undertake immediate repairs of tubewells and water pumps where necessary, ensuring an uninterrupted water supply throughout the summer months.
To handle heat-related emergencies effectively, the SOP requires all colleges and examination centres to maintain well-equipped first-aid facilities. Institution heads were tasked with conducting awareness sessions to sensitise students about heatwave precautionary measures and safety protocols. To ensure strict implementation of these guidelines, each college must constitute a dedicated squad to monitor and enforce compliance with the new regulations.
However, the department has not announced the date from which the morning classes will be conducted in the higher education institutions. This initiative follows the school and mass education department’s announcement of similar measures for schools.
“The comprehensive approach adopted by both departments reflects the state govt’s commitment to ensuring safety and well-being of students across all educational institutions during the challenging summer months,” said a govt official of the higher education department.

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