Published On: Sun, Jun 9th, 2024

Elephant Crushes Woman: Elephant crushes woman to death | Bhubaneswar News

Angul: A 74-year-old woman was trampled to death by a wild elephant on Saturday when she had gone to a nearby forest to collect mangoes with three others. The incident took place at Analabereni village under Handapa police station.
The victim was identified as Asha Dehury. According to forest ranger Narendra Gamango, the ones who accompanied Dehury to the forest ran as soon as they saw the elephant but the victim couldn’t escape and she was crushed to death.The villagers blamed the forest department for the death as an elephant herd was staying in the forest.
Gamango said, “Formalities are being made to offer compensation of Rs 6 lakh to the victim’s family. Efforts are being made to drive away the herd from the nearby jungle as demanded by the villagers.”TNN

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