Published On: Mon, Jul 22nd, 2024

Diarrhoea: Diarrhoea outbreak in Ganjam village claims 2 lives | Bhubaneswar News

Diarrhoea claims 2 lives in Ganjam village

Berhampur: Two died of diarrhoea while around 50 were infected with the disease in Tikarpada village under Ganjam district’s Belaguntha block in the past week. Officials said the villagers were suspected to have consumed contaminated water, leading to the disease outbreak on July 15.The deceased were identified as Deba Gouda (75) and Kandha Sahu (81).Out of the infected persons, 27 have been admitted at the community health centre, Belaguntha, while others are being treated at home.
On Saturday, a medical team from Berhampur was sent to the village to assess the situation.
“Now the situation is under control. Almost all the patients, expect one, were discharged from the hospital,” Umakant Mishra, chief district medical officer in Ganjam, said on Sunday. “The two who died had co-morbidities like diabetes and blood pressure,” Mishra added. TNN

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