BMC unveils Rs 74,366 crore budget for 2025-26 | Mumbai News – The Times of India
MUMBAI: The BMC on Feb 4, Tuesday, tabled its budget for the fiscal 2025-26. The size of the budget is Rs 74,366 crores, with Rs 43,162 kept as capital expenditure which is the money spent on development works.
This is municipal commissioner Bhushan Gagrani’s first budget & a straight third under the administrator. A total of 2,703 suggestions were received from Mumbaikars for the budget says BMC commissioner . This is more than 1,181 received last year
The budget estimates for the FY 2025-26 exceeds the budget estimate of 2024-25 by 14.19%. The revenue income of the BMC upto December 2024 has been Rs 28,308 crores. This is the money is gets namely the compensation in lieu of Octroi, development charge fees, property tax, etc.
The BMC had requested state government to issue suitable direction that the premium for additional FSI shall be shared between the state government and BMC on 25:74 basis.
The government vide notification October 14,2024 has sanctioned 50% share of premium recovered for additional FSI to BMC as against earlier permissible 25% share to BMC.
On this account BMC has recieved an additional of Rs 70 crores till now which is expected as Rs 300 crores for FY 2025-26 said Gagrani in this speech.