Published On: Mon, Mar 17th, 2025

Alumni group leads bid to reopen Wells College after sudden closure, aiming to restore 156-year-old institution – The Times of India

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Alumni group leads bid to reopen Wells College after sudden closure, aiming to restore 156-year-old institution

After the unexpected closure of Wells College in April 2024, a group of determined alumni has stepped forward to purchase the historic institution and reopen its doors. The Cleveland Commission for Wells, formed by a group of alumni spanning generations, is leading the charge to reclaim the 156-year-old college, which is located on a 127-acre campus along Cayuga Lake in New York. The Commission’s bid, submitted on March 13, 2025, comes as part of an effort to preserve the school’s legacy and restore it as a center for liberal arts education.
The alumni group has rallied behind a common cause: to restore Wells College and ensure future generations of students benefit from the institution’s rich academic history. According to a release from the Commission, their goal is not only to reopen the school but to build on its strengths, particularly in the liberal arts and the unique ecological resources of the surrounding campus.
A bold bid to save Wells College
The Cleveland Commission for Wells was formed by alumni from various decades, including those from as far back as the 1970s and recent graduates who have gone on to successful careers. As reported by the Binghamton Homepage, the group’s spokesman, Caolan MacMahon, emphasized the urgency of the situation. “This imposing deadline was not enough to deter the Commission, as we had already been envisioning our own approach to restoring the College as an institution of higher education,” MacMahon said.
The Wells College campus, with its 25 buildings and nearly 1,600 feet of lakefront property, was listed for sale after the closure. The Commission aims to not only purchase the campus but to create a sustainable path forward for the institution. Their plan focuses on leveraging the campus’s biodiversity and ecological resources while continuing Wells College’s strong commitment to liberal arts education.
Alumni seek public support for restoration efforts
To further their cause, the alumni group is calling on the public to support their efforts. They are requesting pledges and donations, and are encouraging supporters to contact the New York State Attorney General’s office to voice their backing for the Commission’s bid, as reported by the Binghamton Homepage.
With a bid now in place, the alumni’s hopes of restoring Wells College to its former glory are becoming a tangible reality.

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