Published On: Wed, Jul 10th, 2024

200 tonnes of garbage cleared from Mumbai’s Juhu Beach | Mumbai News – Times of India

200 tonnes of garbage cleared from Mumbai's Juhu Beach
Juhu beach in Mumbai faced a massive trash dump, with 138 labourers working to clear it. The absence of a contractor for cleaning led to civic labourers handling the task. Local residents remain vigilant in reporting uncleanliness to BMC.

MUMBAI: The city’s popular Juhu beach saw close to 200 MT being dumped along the shore line. As many as 138 labourers had to be put on the job to clear the trash. Currently, there is no contractor in place for cleaning the beach and instead the cleaning duty is undertaken by civic labourers.
Officials from the solid waste management department said that the civicbody appointed labourers were put ins shifts to ensure that the garbage was lifted at all times.“It is regular phenomenon that during monsoons larger quantum of garbage comes to the shore as compared to other times of the year.
This is also garbage from the outfalls thrown back by the sea. We therefore ensure that there are enough labourers available toclean the beach,” said an official. Local residents in the area are alert and are known to immediately raise an issue with the BMC in case of the beach being unclean. On June 10, Andheri MLA Ameet Satam, in a letter sent to the BMC, had criticised the civic administration for not appointing an agency on a timely basis for the cleaning of Juhu beach.


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