K’taka govt to deposit Rs 3,400cr Bangalore Palace TDR | Bengaluru News

Bengaluru: The Karnataka govt Wednesday decided to deposit Rs 3,400 crore worth of TDR (transferable development rights) with Supreme Court in the Bangalore Palace Grounds case. This decision by the state cabinet comes with a prayer that the deposited money will not be handed over to the Mysore royal family until the original suit between the family and the state government over ownership of Palace Grounds is resolved.
SC had directed Karnataka to deposit TDR certificates worth ₹3,400 crore for 15 acres of Bangalore Palace land marked for road projects.
The cabinet also decided to increase professional tax levied on tax assessees from Rs 200 to Rs 300 a month, which is expected to bring in additional Rs 50 crore a month to the exchequer. With welfare schemes leading to financial strain, the govt is looking to shore up its finances and take up development projects.
“The professional tax has remained unchanged at Rs 200 a month for the past two decades. This meant we had not exercised the full extent of the available leeway that says that states can collect up to Rs 300 per month — or Rs 3,600 a year — from professionals,” said a CMO source.
The Karnataka govt had been seeking a change in the professional tax slab rate at the central government level as it requires a constitutional amendment. However, the plea had not been considered till date as a majority of the professionals have been resisting any revision.
KPSC amendment bill to be introduced: The state govt, amid demands for reforms in Karnataka Public Service Commission (KPSC), including the ongoing debate on corruption in the organisation raised by BJP, has decided to move an amendment bill to the constitutional body based on the Hota Committee report that recommended reforms in public service commissions.
As per the amendment, the changes will be introduced in the interview of candidates and that of discussing the fine points on question papers prepared by KPSC for examinations. It includes an amendment to introduce a dissent note from any of the members on decisions taken by the KPSC Board.
Other decisions
* Govt clears microfinance regulatory bill
* To introduce amendments to Public Debt Act of 1944 and Government Securities Act of 2006
* Approval of Rs 1,323-crore package for wastewater treatment in 110 BBMP villages with World Bank assistance