2 colleges to send students to UK for internships next year | Chennai News – The Times of India

Chennai: Ethiraj College for Women in Chennai and PSGR Krishnammal College for Women in Coimbatore both arts and science colleges in Tamil Nadu plan to send some of their students to universities in the UK for summer internships next year.
Students pursuing biological sciences, computer science programmes, business studies, and humanities can do the internship. They will spend around 15 days in five universities, including the University of Nottingham, Coventry University, University of Hull, and De Montfort University.
Undergraduates can do the internship in the fourth semester, while postgraduate can do it in the second semester.
“We are asking students to register in the specific domains. We are planning to do an internship abroad programme with a minimum of 20 students in the first batch,” said S Uma Gowrie, principal of Ethiraj College for Women. She is among the 20 principals who are part of a Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) delegation that visited some universities in the UK recently.
To enable the process of visas and communicate with the foreign universities, the college is also planning to start a centre for international relations.
PSGR Krishnammal College for Women in Coimbatore is planning to offer summer internships, immersion programmes, and semesters abroad in the UK universities. “We wanted to have a research collaboration with the University of Nottingham for life science courses,” said P B Harathi, principal of the college. Students pursuing BBA courses, BSc computer science with AI and data science, and BCom will also be considered for the internship. “Our college is offering a unique programme, BVoc in costume designing. De Montfort University will be suitable for these students to do internships as it specialises in fashion designing,” she said.